Nature and animal photos
Squirrel on a tree branch
Squirrel laying on a tree branch
Squirrel on a tree in autumn
Ant macro photo
Butterfly on a leaf
Dew on spiderweb
Dew on cobwebs in autumn
Glow-worm glowing in the night
Mourning cloak butterfly
Spiderweb with dew droplets
Squirrel looking at the cameraman
Squirrel with mouth full of nesting material
Woodpecker on tree trunk
Common European adder hiding in the bushes
Squirrel on a branch
Squirrel sitting on a branch
Squirrel with acorn in his mouth
Eurasian blackbird female
Eurasian blackbird male
Eurasian jay
Eurasian jay
Blue Tit
Blue Tit
Blue Tit
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Eurasian blackbird female
Eurasian blackbird male
Great Tit